Able Plumbing London Central Plumbers
We provide a list of our local plumbing and heating branches in the London Central area below with local address and phone number on each web page so you can add it to your favourites for future use. Simply scroll and choose your closest branch for 24 hour emergency plumbing services*, Including boiler repair and service, pipes and drains, kitchen plumbing and bathroom plumbing, operating 365 days a year with no call out charge.
Plumbers in London Central:
Plumbing Services Include:
- Full 24 Hour Coverage Throughout the UK*
- Genuine 30 - 90 Minute Response To Any Emergency Plumbing*
- Absolutely No Call Out Charges - Day or Night
- Many of Our Engineers Are Gas Registered
- Free Written Estimates & Quotes
- All Types of Domestic & Commercial Plumbing Services
- Work is Fully Guaranteed
- Insurance Approved
- Fast & Quick Repairs from our Emergency Plumbers
24 Hour FreeFone London Central Services:
We provide a Free-Fone Fast Response 24 Hour Plumbing Service with friendly operators to handle any problems you have on
0800 114 3299
Alternatively you can fill in our Fast Response Form in the top right hand side and have one of our operators call you back within ten minutes!
Example of our Services:
Condensing Boiler
A condensing boiler is a type of boiler that has increased efficiency, with an average efficiency of 82-89% in a real house installation (although laboratory tests claim up to 95-98%), compared with an average efficiency of 50-80% with a non-condensing boiler. This increase in efficiency is possible because the boiler re-uses the heat of the flue gases and vapours to heat up water, thus wasting less energy. The flue gases typically reach temperatures of 180-200°C, and thus a lot of heat (and therefore, energy) is wasted to the atmosphere. For this to work, the gases must be extracted with the use of a fan to a vent, and for the excess water collected (the water that condenses to release the heat) to be drained away using the usual waste water pipes. All new gas boilers installed since April 1st 2005 (and since April 1st 2007 for oil-fired boilers) are required to be condensing boilers, unless exceptional circumstances apply.